Automatically woke up early again. Thanks to my hectic schedule during my previous semester. Everyday need to wake up early. I think it will continue for another few months. I just realized back that my working hours for my internship is 7 hours + 1 hour lunch time and it's from Monday to Saturday. Yes, work until Saturday & it is a full day. The only day I can rest is on Sunday. I like it! No time for leisure.
I will be not in my university for 5 months. That will be a long break for me. Brought all my stuff back to my hometown. It was so exhausted. I need to walk up & down form 6 times to shift my things from the room to the car. Luckily I stayed on second floor. If I stay on fourth floor, I think I will faint.
Reached back around 10am++. I miss my hometown much even though it's near to my university. I agree with the quote 'Home Sweet Home'~ Currently my hair is quite long & messy. I thought I want to go for a hair cut but due to laziness, I slept for the whole afternoon. Nice sleep. Haha. I just saw some of my Facebook friends. I saw them prank people by telling them they got this, they got that, they are in relationship, etc. Haha~ I didn't go & prank people for a long long time since my secondary school days. Although it's childish to fool people but I think is alright because sometimes we need to relax & get some fool jokes. But don't over fool people because it can lead into a serious problem.
Now I'm thinking what hairstyle that I should ask the hair stylist to cut it. Probably this:
Nice? XD
2 days before my work starts. I think I need to my last break. Happy April Fool Day!
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