At 5pm just now, I heard a senior manager talked to his subordinate:
"Why not you do until 12am, finish the work and submit it by today?"
Based on the phrase above, will you do it? Or you will give few reasons and try to postpone the submission by tomorrow? After the conversation, the manager left the office and let his subordinate to survive by his own even though he received the information and instruction to settle the work at 4pm. It is not easy to survive on working life. Life is a learning process. Patience is one of the main keys to survive. Meanwhile, I was saddened with new toll rates in my home country. The toll rates increased more than 50 cents. The currency rate is still in bad shape and it is not easy to recover back. More retrenchments on few big companies, mainly on oil and gas sector. My readers, plan your future well and enjoy whenever you can.
Do you believe that I use this coconut fireball for a football match?
Twenty-five years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination
I realized quickly when I knew I should
That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man
For whatever that means
And so I cry sometimes
When I'm lying in bed
Just to get it all out
What's in my head
And I, I am feeling a little peculiar
And so I wake in the morning
And I step outside
And I take a deep breath and I get real high
And I scream from the top of my lungs
What's going on?
And I say, hey hey hey hey...
I said hey, what's going on?
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination
I realized quickly when I knew I should
That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man
For whatever that means
And so I cry sometimes
When I'm lying in bed
Just to get it all out
What's in my head
And I, I am feeling a little peculiar
And so I wake in the morning
And I step outside
And I take a deep breath and I get real high
And I scream from the top of my lungs
What's going on?
And I say, hey hey hey hey...
I said hey, what's going on?
P/S: Nobody will help you but yourself...
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