A plan whatever it may be must be made for the bad ground, it must be calculated to meet all exigencies, all disasters and to overcome them after they have occurred.
The above was a remark by Marc Isambard Brunel on the occasion of proposals for improvement after the flooding of the Thames Tunnel in 1831 that I read it from a book. The remark is really strong. Whatever we plan for, we have to make sure that our plan is working. If not, it may bring a wonderful moment for the person who takes over your job.
A string of beauties hand in hand..
P/S: Sometimes I dislike people who done something related to me, without my acknowledgement.
At 5pm just now, I heard a senior manager talked to his subordinate:
"Why not you do until 12am, finish the work and submit it by today?"
Based on the phrase above, will you do it? Or you will give few reasons and try to postpone the submission by tomorrow? After the conversation, the manager left the office and let his subordinate to survive by his own even though he received the information and instruction to settle the work at 4pm. It is not easy to survive on working life. Life is a learning process. Patience is one of the main keys to survive. Meanwhile, I was saddened with new toll rates in my home country. The toll rates increased more than 50 cents. The currency rate is still in bad shape and it is not easy to recover back. More retrenchments on few big companies, mainly on oil and gas sector. My readers, plan your future well and enjoy whenever you can.
Do you believe that I use this coconut fireball for a football match?
Twenty-five years and my life is still Trying to get up that great big hill of hope For a destination I realized quickly when I knew I should That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man For whatever that means
And so I cry sometimes When I'm lying in bed Just to get it all out What's in my head And I, I am feeling a little peculiar And so I wake in the morning And I step outside And I take a deep breath and I get real high And I scream from the top of my lungs What's going on?
And I say, hey hey hey hey... I said hey, what's going on?
First of all, I would like to thank to my family and friends who wished me on last few days ago. I am grateful that you remember one of my special days. I was happy that I can celebrate with my family members on last Saturday. It was a double celebration as my father celebrates his special day too. Oh, yeah, both of us are Librans.. Haha! When I met my relatives, most of them told me that not to come back to hometown for work and stay where am I now for good. I am not sure how long I will stay at here. I hope can I enjoy what I have now. Meanwhile, I think I should increase my weight again. When I saw my posted pictures, I looked so skinny. Macam like a Pontianak.. Wish me luck. Haha! The weather is recovering. I hope I can go out and enjoy the sunny day soon..
I wanna sing a song, that'd be just ours, But I sang 'em all to another heart. And I wanna cry, I wanna learn to love, But all my tears have been used up. On another love, another love...
P/S: There is a reason why I hide it on my Facebook on last week. May God bless you..