Thursday, November 26, 2009

Orientation Week Nov 2009/2010 Intake

Last Friday, I went for the induction training before the orientation starts..Its quite easy..Not like last induction training..Trained for 2 days...The registration started on last monday..Not many students registered..About 50 students were locals while 70 students were international students..Not like last time, more 1200 students..I was directed to take care a group of 12 international students..OMG...I was like...speechless..I know that it is hard to handle this bunch of students...Its not due to languange or culture difference...But its their attitude problem...The facillitators help & treat them as an adult but they act like stupid childish man...Time goes by so fast...Last Tuesday, my first semester of second year results is out...I'm quite sad about cgpa is dropping..Am I not work hard enough to study? Am I focused to much on club commitments? I need to rearrange my time management..Until that night, all of the facillitators, including me were celebrating a facillitator's birthday...All of us throw the eggs at him..haha...pity him..But its quite fun...During this week...there were some talks & games...But I felt that the new students were not interested with it..Maybe its too lame..During the wednesday night, we were celebrating for our hardwork...Gathered until 1am..Went back & very tired...Until today...the time table registration for the new students...The head of facillitator separate the students into 2 main groups...1 group is for those who attend all of the orientation week programs while another the group us for those who always ponteng...The facillitators only can help those who attend all of the programs...To those who always ponteng, the facilitators put them into a special room, let them register the timetable without our help...I felt that the idea is very good...We need to treat the new students fair & square..This orientation week is so easy & free...most of the international student like to skip the talks & games..My group need to combine the other groups due to few people...Quite tired now...Don't know what to write already..I just feel that I still like to become a facillitator for the orientation...I can see alot of different attitude of students...I hope that I can get the job back on next year intake...2nd semester is going to start soon...Hope can pass it through well...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

all the best to you!!