Saturday, May 18, 2013

Something to be sacrifice?

Early of the month, I believe that most of the people are excited about the election and the outcome of it. Luckily, there is no major incident happens. It will not be the same anymore and we have to continue our path which is not easy to walk through. There will be no success without sacrifice. Yes.. Sacrifice.. Sometimes we have to sacrifice something especially time to achieve what we want. For example, during my teenage time, I spent almost my weekends for a sport which I enthuse it so much. I used my weekends to train and teach little kids. I missed out those time to hang out with my friends during the weekend but I have no regret since I managed to achieve what I want now, which is to get a fierce look? Is it true that I look fierce? Haha.. But before you want to sacrifice something, please think twice. Once you sacrifice, do not regret and move on. I sound like so old school type. Haha.. I hope somebody will understand what I wrote for today's post. Have a good weekend.

Sentimental song from Sir Elton John that always keep in my mind since young~

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