Thursday, May 20, 2010

Am I good leader?

I just chatted with a senior about how to become a leader. He advised me about how to become a leader & to communicate with the subordinates well although he told me that he just share his idea. But I still treated it as an advice.

Am I a good leader? I become a group or mass leader a lot of time since when I was standard 2 or 8 years old, I became a class monitor. When I was in secondary school, I think I can say that I am 'gila kuasa' to become a leader. I joined a lot of clubs and grabbed some leader post. Hahaha.. Until now, I still volunteer myself or selected by my friends to become a leader in my university. It can say that I got some experiences to be a leader. Last time, I thought that I got the experiences and will be a good leader in the future. But I was wrong. I am not a good leader yet. Why I said so because I faced the real challenges when I become the group leader for my projects in my university. Not only the projects, but also in the club/society that I joined.

I can feel the 'real' pressure when I lead my friends or subordinates. I received a lot of problems from big to small. Some problems can be solved, some problems I can't solve it. It is hard to become a good leader & respected by your friends. I almost want to resign & run away from it but I can't. Run away is not a solution. It is my responsibility to lead the group. I must go on. Thanks to my friends who advised me & one of the quotes that I like most, 'Pain is Pleasure'. This is a road that will train me a good leader, although I haven't reach yet.

There are a lot of ways to become a good leader but I won't write it on here. I just want to write that do not complain if you are in a group. Try to solve the problems. A lot of people think that become a good leader is hard & try to avoid to become a leader, if can. For me, we should try to become a leader & try to be a good leader so that this experiences will guide us during our work time or other things.

Am I a good leader? I think I'm not a good leader yet. I still have a long way to go~

P/S: It just a craps from me.. Nothing to write during this holiday~ hahaha~


Anonymous said...

A good leader is the one who can unite the group of members, enable them to perform, and make the project happen!!

You can do it!!

ChiNg Fai said...

Haha~ ok~ I will do my best~