Saturday, November 12, 2011

11th November 2011

I read newspaper today and I was surprised. 723 couples married on the special day. I saw some of my friends posted about the auspicious day that need to find partner, enjoy with partner, or find your friends to meet up on their Facebook & Twitter. I didn't go & find partner to celebrate the day. Instead, I went to a place again and took samples on yesterday. The staff joked with me that why I didn't marry today? Haha~ I almost forgot that yesterday is 11/11/11. Busy to take the samples at that time. Went to a dump site of the place for the first time. Too much of food wasted by the people who think they are rich. The odour of the sample is unpleasant. My project mate and I cannot stand with the smell and almost want to cry and vomit. I'm wondering how the workers can stand it and work for a long time. After the collection, we had our lunch at their staff quarters. I still can remember the smell of the food waste. It was far worst than the faeces that I usually see. After the laboratory testing on it, I had KFC as my dinner. I still can remember the smell again. It almost similar with the Cheesy Wedges taste. It was a memorable smell I ever had. Next week I will going to have double kill. More workloads need to settle. I hope I have a strength to face it.

Joke of the day: My draft final exam timetable just released. I have a paper on 1st of January 2012. If nobody appeal or complain it, Haha~ It will be a New Year gift for me~ God bless everyone~

Do not waste your food/drink. More people are unfortunate than us on the Earth. Think~

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