Wednesday, July 06, 2011

5th July 2011

I went back to my university for the whole evening. There were few changes at there. First, the security guards are getting stricter. Even a student has a car sticker on the dashboard, but still the security guard wants to check the student ID card. Actually, it is good to be stricter because I heard some of my unimates said that there were a lot of robbery cases in my university since last few months ago. The best story is the robber managed to steal 4 laptops in a house (1 house = 4 rooms) in one night. I'm not sure the robber has the skill to break in to the house or the students forgot to lock the personal belongings well but it is really superb. I was surprised when I entered the student hostel. The management installed a closed-circuit television near to the main entrance. I'm not sure it is functioning or not. I predict that the students will vandalize it soon. For example, I saw a McDonald advertisement in the college building, after few days later, a 'New' advertisement created by students hang on the wall. Meanwhile, I saw there were a lot of cars at the parking lots and it is full. I'm wondering how it will going be if the industrial training students come back and continue to study. It will be a massive traffic jam? Can't blame them for possessing a car because most of the students are staying out campus due to the limited space to stay in campus. Only the new students and active students are given the chance to stay in campus. I don't know I can get a placement to stay in campus or not but I just try to register or even appeal for it even though there is a electricity charge on each houses. I know that I need house which is near to my class or laboratories because I don't have time to travel here and there during my final year. About my final year project, I'm still thinking what field that I should take. I really need to think carefully before I make my decision because once I decided, there is no way to return back the time. After this week, I need to start my industrial training report. I hope I can write more than the pages required by my university. The main reason I went back to my university is to attend a meeting regards on a camp. I'm very happy that there is a progress although there were few minor problems occurred. But all are still under control. I really hope that it will be a successful event. I'm thinking off what type of mobile phone I should buy. I already think for 2.5 years but still I haven't buy a new phone. Any ideas? =.=

Nice design from the students~ (Photo credit to Eric LCK)

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